Hello sisters and brothers, subjects of the United States Empire, it has become clear the elected representatives on Capitol Hill no longer truly represent us and our best interests, but rather are serving their elite major campaign contributors. They serve the interests of the extreme rich and large corporations, certainly not the average American worker, student, or retired individual.
In order to improve our government, we, a collective of dedicated social justice activists, propose three demands to those who have power to legislate within the Federal Government. We list those demands here, and will then discuss how to make sure they pass into the law of the land:
1) Universal single payer health care, something that nearly all other developed nations of the world already possess for their citizens. We, as human beings, have a right to good health and to never be financially crippled in this pursuit of our own well-being. We demand that Congress pass House Resolution 676 and a Senate companion resolution before the end of the year.
2) A federally mandated $15 per hour minimum wage for all workers within the nation. We, as human beings, have a right to a fair living wage, and should not have to lag behind workers in nearly every other developed nations of the world. One full-time job should suffice in the obtainment of the most basic necessities of life. We demand the passage of this law at the federal level, before the end of the year, which has already been passed by many municipalities and a few states within the Union.
3) An end to unaccountable special interests and corporate donations flowing into all federal elections. We demand the passage of the DISCLOSE Act, House Resolution 5175 and Senate 3369, before the end of the year. As human beings residing within the United States we are the ones the Federal Government is tasked with serving. We are entitled to know all the sources of contributions flowing into the campaigns of those seeking to serve in elected office. This is a requirement of a democracy, and we demand that our government turn away from a plutocratic empire and return to a truly representative republic, of for and by its people.
We will not rest until these demands are met. We will occupy public spaces and halls of government. We will disrupt business as usual, utilizing nonviolent direct action in a focused and persistent away, in order to insure that these three demands for the improvement of our society and all our lives are met.
Later this year we will be gathering in communities of resistance, learning from one another, and then launch our peaceful actions of resistance and disturbance. We will pursue this course of action with love for our communities and hope for our society's future.
If it's electronic, it's no election.
⚠️️U B Boss⚠️️ Restore American rule in America: