Rep. Kucinich and eight other brave members of Congress are currently suing President Obama for Peace. Their case states that the commander-in-chief is in violation of the War Powers Act when it comes to the War on Libya. Obama absurdly contends that our military is not engaged in "hostilities" when it bombs buildings and kills people in this North African nation. Therefore, the pres claims the law does not apply. The War Powers Act was passed in order to further clarify Article 1 of our Constitution (that Congress and the President need to make such war-making decisions jointly). Passed in 1973, it was designed to check unlimited presidential military actions. Sadly, it has been ignored by presidents and Congress for at least a couple decades now.
I doubt this lawsuit, although a very honorable step, will gain much ground. If folks haven't noticed things have not gone well for the peace and justice movement for the last few years... The American people, however, are getting increasingly angry with the lack of jobs, the continued bailout of bankers and the wealthiest of the wealthy, and endless wars which cost us trillions of dollars we simply do not have.
According to the Congressional Budget Office, the U.S. Government has spent more than $1.2 Trillion on the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan since 2001. If we break that down for Fiscal Year 2011 alone, that sum of money could have been used to provide healthcare for 86.8 million low income children, or 73.7 million households with renewable electricity (wind power), or 15.5 million one-year university scholarships for one year. Where are our priorities?
On October 6th of this year my affinity group will be gathering in downtown DC and then marching to the huge mobilization at Freedom Plaza. The organizers of this mobilization intend for the mass of peace and justice loving people to not leave until some demands are met. Chief among those demands are to remove U.S. forces from Afghanistan, which will be entering its second decade (the longest U.S. war ever) that month, and redistribute these funds into relief for the poor and programs to protect our fragile environment.
We, the people, can change the direction of our country. We need to have faith in our own power. Just as the people in Tahrir Square, Cairo had faith in their own collective power. We must remain united and strong and beautifully nonviolent, but not passive. Yes, positive social change can happen in our lives. Are you ready to be a part of it?
My affinity group will be taking the name Camp Agape. You can join if you are committed to nonviolence, and are willing to put the groups needs above your own during your time at Freedom Plaza. We need to look out for one another, comfort one another and share food and water with one another. We also hope to be a place of hospitality to those more vulnerable than us who typically make the streets of downtown DC their homes. We hope to share some of our food and water with them.
Camp Agape also hopes to be a place of listening, sharing wisdom, and supporting one another during some stressful days. If you want to play a part in a great change with other people who believe (and live) in love of their fellow humans, join us.
Here's some more information on this massive mobilization!