Peace of the Action swung into action today, setting up Camp Out Now. Cindy Sheehan, who I am quite happy to have gotten to know, has no plans of leaving until the War OF Terror begins to end.
Please stop by and visit Peace of the Action on the north side of the Washington Monument. Hard to miss, as the tents are directly across Constitution Avenue from the back of the White House.
This morning as we were setting up camp, we did a sun dance with some drumming, the rain stopped, Ann Wright joined us, and Obama flew over in his helicopter -- Cindy was the first one to react waving the peace sign! Weather should improve during the week, and there will probably be more chances to interact with the president.
Reports coming from camp this evening is that more tents have been set up next to the larger communal tent and the police are not happy with this. We shall see how this plays out.
From CNN's Shannan Adler
Washington (CNN) - Anti-war activist Cindy Sheehan, who became a household name for protesting outside of former President Bush's Texas ranch, is now camping out on the soggy grounds of the Washington Monument in an effort to draw attention to her cause.
Sheehan, whose son was killed in Iraq, said she and her fellow anti-war protestors are demanding that a representative from the peace movement have a seat at the table when war is being considered.
"We are committed to doing this until we see activity from the government," said Sheehan, referring to the anti-war protestors resolve to remain on the National Mall.
Sheehan said that each day this week there will be "teach-ins and training for non-violent civil resistance until Monday when the action starts."
The "action" will be blocking intersections in the nation's Capital as well as protesting at offices, she said. But Sheehan noted "we don't want to divulge what we are doing because we don't want law enforcement to be able to organize against us beforehand for our actions."
After a trip to Target to load up on necessary camping supplies as well as tables and chairs it would appear that Sheehan has no plans on leaving.