By Eve Tetaz
Dear Friends,
As I begin my 7 day sentence in DC Jail for peacefully and non- violently protesting the US invasion and occupation of Afghanistan and Iraq, I wish to appeal to the American people to join together as one voice in opposing the illegal and immoral actions of our leaders whom we have elected to act in our name. We are a nation of law governed by the Constitution that begins with the words “We the people…” When our leaders betray our trust by committing crimes against humanity in the waging of a war that has been condemned by international law, the highest religious authorities, and members of our own military, I believe that we must declare before the world, NOT IN MY NAME. When the government advocates the use of such tactics as rendition and torture to further their ends, we must shout, NOT IN MY NAME. As a nation made up of responsible individuals capable of making moral choices, we are obliged to admit our wrong doings in order that justice be served, and our credibility among other nations be maintained. When our leaders cease to reflect the principles upon which this country was founded, I believe it to be the duty of every American citizen to peacefully and non-violently refuse to submit to their authority, in a manner that he or she deems appropriate. I am reminded of Moses when he challenged the Children of Israel to act as moral beings and be held accountable for their actions.
I have set before you today life and death, blessings and curses.
Choose life so that you and your descendants may live…
My friends, today I have chosen life in the hope that my country will change course and turn from a path that will only lead to death and destruction; it is my earnest prayer that this nation will, instead, lead the way in teaching nations to turn their swords into plowshares and study war no more.
Eve Tetaz
November 5, 2007