Please join The Washington Region Religious Campaign Against Torture (WRRCAT) on Tuesday October 17, at 9:00 am in front of the White House to demonstrate our profound opposition to the "Military Commissions Act." DAWN and Montgomery
County Peace Action have endorsed this action, as well as others.
President Bush is expected to sign the bill into law during a ceremony at the White House. The law would fundamentally change American interpretation of the Geneva Conventions. We'd like to have a sizable number outside of the White House to convey to the American public that there are still some Americans who support Common Article 3, of the Geneva Convention that prohibits "cruel," "humiliating" and "degrading treatment" and "outrages upon personal dignity." President Bush and the US Congress contend that this language is vague. The President claims it doesn't give "clear" guidance about what is
permitted and what is prohibited during interrogations. Common Article 3 has served humanity since 1950.
The Military Commissions Act repeals much of the law enforcing the Geneva Conventions. The law also retroactively absolves administration officials of legal responsibility for past war crimes.
Prisoners will be denied the right to challenge their captivity in court. This is pretty basic stuff that predates the Magna Carta of 1215. The Chimes of Freedom are dumb struck. Please join us.
There has been no official announcement from the White House regarding this signing ceremony, although unofficial sources point to an October 17th signing. Please check the WRRCAT Web site, for more information.
And for some analysis on this bill:
Commentary on The Military Commissions Act
County Peace Action have endorsed this action, as well as others.
President Bush is expected to sign the bill into law during a ceremony at the White House. The law would fundamentally change American interpretation of the Geneva Conventions. We'd like to have a sizable number outside of the White House to convey to the American public that there are still some Americans who support Common Article 3, of the Geneva Convention that prohibits "cruel," "humiliating" and "degrading treatment" and "outrages upon personal dignity." President Bush and the US Congress contend that this language is vague. The President claims it doesn't give "clear" guidance about what is
permitted and what is prohibited during interrogations. Common Article 3 has served humanity since 1950.
The Military Commissions Act repeals much of the law enforcing the Geneva Conventions. The law also retroactively absolves administration officials of legal responsibility for past war crimes.
Prisoners will be denied the right to challenge their captivity in court. This is pretty basic stuff that predates the Magna Carta of 1215. The Chimes of Freedom are dumb struck. Please join us.
There has been no official announcement from the White House regarding this signing ceremony, although unofficial sources point to an October 17th signing. Please check the WRRCAT Web site, for more information.
And for some analysis on this bill:
Commentary on The Military Commissions Act