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Showing posts from June, 2006

"Road to Guantanamo" Opens this Friday

A powerful film based on facts is opening this Friday to a very limited number of movie theaters. Spread the word -- this is a must see film! More info and Synopsis at the URL below. In the local area, it will be showing for a short while at Shirlngton and E Street. NY Times says, "Amazing. A Film of stunning force."

This Thursday We Visit Negroponte

My good friend Malachy found two articles to explain why many of us are protesting against Negroponte. Back in the early days of the Bush-Cheney Administration before nation-building, terrorist color code warnings, and the War Time President, the nomination and subsequent bi-partisan confirmation of John Negroponte as US Ambassador to the UN sailed through as effortlessly as many other of Bush's official acts in the post-911 world. I came upon two pieces written back in early 2001 by two people who know of Negroponte's role in the disappearences, torture, and war crimes in war-torn Central America in the 1980's. Reading these two pieces should serve us well in understanding why DAWN will protest Negroponte on Thursday, June 22 at 7pm. Please join us (meet on street level at the Woodley Park Metro). ...

Taking on Rumsfeld in Court begins

Two of The Supremes, a peace collective, united with two courageous women of Code Pink to form the Rumsfeld 4 today in D.C. Superior Court. Katie, myself, David and Mari went before two different judges for status hearings regarding the D.C. charge of Disorderly Conduct and the Federal charge of Unlawful Entry. Regarding the Disorderly Conduct charge, David who has a pending trial in regards to the March 20th action at the Pentagon selected to sign an agreement to avoid this judge trial. He will do 40 hours of community service -- two organizations he is considering working for are TASSC and Amnesty International. Katie, myself and Mari will appear in court on this one on September 28th. The judge assigned to us will be Pamela Diaz. Regarding the Unlawful Entry charge, all four of us need to go before the same judge we saw today for an additional status hearing to discuss the legal necessity of a trial. Unlawful entry, because of its maximum sentence requires a jury trial. This status ...