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Showing posts from July, 2005

Getting the word out: Event this Wednesday

Cities in America are on edge following the bombings in London a couple weeks ago where 55 people were killed. This was terrible. But so is the daily bloodshed in Iraq. Last night and today I posted some notices around town about a seminar hosted by the D.C. Anti-War Network entitled "From London to Baghdad: Why we must end the "War on Terror." It will be held in D.C. this coming Wednesday at 7 p.m. at The Flemming Center, 1426 9th Street, N.W. There will be a three person panel, including a representative from the National Coalition of Arab Americans. This is a needed event, as people both need to discuss this terrible tragedy and begin to learn more about the root causes. Unfortunately, Blair and Bush are using the bombings to increase police power to invade individuals' property and privacy rights. People of Arab descent are being targetted; the stench of racism is spreading. In New York (and supposedly soon in D.C.) random searches of people's personal proper...

Welcome to D.C.'s Left Wing Blog

Hi, I am a D.C. native and this is my left wing blog. This is where I get to share my ideas, my beliefs and my political convictions. I believe our system of government is broken, and that only a popular bottom-up nonviolent mass revolution will be able to set our country on an enlightened path away from its continual destructive and immoral patterns of behavior engaged in on both a national and international scale. I will be posting news, editorial, satire, reviews and random poltical and philosophical ramblings here. I hope to get some additions and feedback from my readers. I quit the Democrats about two weeks after the 2004 election in November. I could no longer stay with a party that was basically complicit in Bush's crimes, his deceit, his extreme treachery. The Democrats are weak at best; they no longer present an opposition party or even a decent alternative to those dissatisfied with the increasingly one-party agenda of Our Nation. The Greens, I believe, do present a thou...