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Showing posts from December, 2010

New Year's Stuff (or 3 Threes)

In less than 11 hours it will be 2011. I am convinced 2011 will be better than 2010 for progressives and Americans in general. The economy will not fully recover, but more and more people will begin to realize they are being lied to by many powerful folks in government and in multi-national corporations. This increased awareness is healthy and greatly needed. I am hopeful because more people realize the current mainstream lifestyle of outrageous oil consumption is unsustainable and that this will require a major shift of resources and a complete redesigning of the way we live our lives. Many newspapers, magazines, broadcast outlets at this time of year review the top three stories or trends that marked 2010 and a preview of the coming year... So, I've got three lists of my own. Top 3 Local Stories for progressive activists 1. 135, mostly veterans (including Daniel Ellsberg), arrested at White House fence demanding end to wars and occupations in Afghanistan and Iraq AFP article on ...

Last radio show was about nonviolent resistance

Happy holidays to everyone! Bruno and I are packing to go over to G'town very soon... Here's the show -- special thanks to Max from Baltimore. Listen to internet radio with GreenTeaParty on Blog Talk Radio

Gaming and the truth...

Sometimes you just need to escape reality, and sometimes you have a hankering for a good game. It's great when these two wants collide. For me that's been fantasy role-playing. My Pathfinder (sometimes called D&D 3.75) campaign has had more than two dozen sessions, and that's what I would consider a long-running campaign. The makeup of the game has changed a couple times, and I think we are settling down to the five players we have now. I am pleased with the gaming troupe we have. I mentioned in a previous blog posting about Mike and how he came late into the campaign and was playing a disruptive character. Honestly I think it was more Mike as a player. I have played several fantasy role-playing games with him in the past -- and as a player he is usually very impulsive and makes poor decisions. Overall, he's a better DM, but even that is not saying much... But anyhow, yes, he was asked not to return to the group. And this last session just had a better feel to it. H...