The first meeting of the now revitalized Greens Party of Fairfax County was held yesterday at the Oakton Public Library. I am glad to be working with Green veterans Jim Lowenstern and Paul Hughes. Jim has run for House of Delegates in the past. Paul started the meeting with a presentation on corporate personhood, which has again become a hot topic in light of the Supreme Court's disastrous decision stating that money equaled free speech and that corporations are entitled to the same First Amendment rights that we as human citizens of the U.S. enjoy. We had a larger turnout than expected at this meeting. A couple Greens moving to the area from other states, and three folks who are new to the Green Party but expressed an interest in becoming involved. I truly believe we can make a difference on the local level, and I hope more progressives will become actively involved in their own communities. Our next meeting in March will continue where we left off in deciding which local issues w...
Washington, D.C. area's true left wing blog. Pete Perry, an anti-war radical dedicated to nonviolence shares his thoughts and experiences.